Approving a professional services agreement contract with K Friese and Associates, LLC in the amount of $1,056,689 for design and engineering services associated with the Weiss Lane Widening Project, and authorizing the City Manager to execute the same.
The existing Weiss Lane, from E. Pecan Street to Pleasanton Parkway, is a two-lane road with bridge over Gilleland Creek. This CIP project (TR2403) will widen that segment of Weiss Lane from two to four lanes with shared use paths on both sides and a new or widened bridge over Gilleland Creek. This project connects to two existing CIP projects: the new traffic signal being installed at the Pleasanton Parkway and Weiss intersection and the design of the intersection improvements at E. Pecan Street and Weiss Lane. This Professional Services Agreement with K Friese covers Project Design, Project Management, Design Survey and Right-of-Way Mapping, Subsurface Utility Engineering, Geotechnical Services, Environmental Services, Schematic Development (30%, 60%, 90%, & 100% Plan Sets), Bid Phase Services, and Construction Phase Services for Weiss Lane from Pleasanton Parkway to E. Pecan Street.
K Friese was selected through the RFQ process to work on the Cameron Road CIP project (TR2007), which extends Weiss Lane from E. Pecan Street to Cameron Road. The portions of this project that extend through the private property to the south are being designed and constructed as part of that industrial project at the southwest corner of Pecan Street and Cameron Road.
The FY 2025 budget for this project is from a 2023 certificate of obligation bond issuance of $5.5M. The funding supports the full scope and fee of this proposed professional services agreement to ensure a comprehensive engineering evaluation and design of the roadway, bridge, and drainage plans for this project. An engineer's estimate for construction will be developed after the completion of the engineering design covered under this professional services agreement.
This Project supports the Strategic Plan and Comprehensive Plan by providing a Safe, Resilient Infrastructure for our citizens as well as aligns with the Safety, Economic Development and Infrastructure pillar of the Strategic Plan.
Prior City Council Action
Deadline for City Council Action
Action is requested on January 14, 2025
Funding Expected: Revenue __ Expenditure _X_ N/A __
Budgeted Item: Yes _X_ No __ N/A __
Amount: _$1,056,689_______
1295 Form Required? Yes _X_ No __
Legal Review Required: N/A __ Required _X_ Date Completed: _December 6, 2024_
Supporting documents attached:
Professional Services Agreement
Recommended Action
Approving a professional service agreement contract with K Friese and Associates, LLC in the amount of $1,056,689 for design and engineering services associated with Weiss Lane Widening Project, and authorizing the City Manager to execute the same.