Approving a conditional purchase agreement and associated conveyance documents between Virginia Weiss (Parcel 5, 5E and 7, 7E) and the City of Pflugerville as necessary to acquire real property interests for the E. Pflugerville Parkway Realignment (Jesse Bohls) E. of Weiss Project, and authorizing the City Manager to execute the same.
The proposed agenda item requests approval of a conditional purchase agreement and associated conveyance documents between Virginia Weiss (Parcel No.5,5E and 7,7E) and the City of Pflugerville as necessary to acquire real property interests for the E. Pflugerville Parkway Realignment (Jesse Bohls) E. of Weiss Project, and authorizing the City Manager to execute the same.
The E. Pflugerville Parkway Realignment (Jesse Bohls) E. of Weiss Project will extend East Pflugerville Parkway from Weiss to Avalar Avenue, creating a new one-mile, 4-lane roadway with a raised center median and streetlights. This new segment of roadway requires property acquisition, including parcel 5,5E right-of-way, drainage easements and temporary construction easements, as well as Parcel 7,7E, which include right-of-way and drainage easements.
City staff in collaboration with the City's property acquisition consultant successfully negotiated this purchase agreement with Virgina Weiss for the necessary right of way, drainage easements, and temporary construction easements for parcels 5,5E and 7,7Ee. The settled amount of $3,960,000.00 is based on appraisals obtained by the City, and is subject to City Council approval.
This purchase agreement is the final acquisition needed for the project, allowing it to move forward with utility relocation, bidding and construction. This item is supported by the Infrastructure pillar of the Strategic Plan.
Prior City Council Action
City Manager approved a Supplemental work Authorization agreement with Seven Arrows Land Staff, LLC in the amount of $18,750.00 for right-of-way services for E. Pflugerville Parkway Expansion Project on January 7, 2025.
City Approved a professional services supplemental agreement with LJA Engineering, In the amount of $401,348.75 to provide professional engineering services associated with the East Pflugerville Parkway/Jesse Bohls Extension/Realignment Roadway Project on February 8, 2022.
City Council approved Resolution for the Amendment of the interlocal Agreement with Travis County for Project Management, Project Development and Fiscal obligations for E. Pflugerville Parkway/Jesse Bohls Project on January 28, 2022.
City Council approved a professional Engineering Services Agreement with LJA Engineering in the amount of $824,160 for E. Pflugerville/Jesse Bohls Extension/Realignment Roadway Project on August 29, 2019.
City Council approved a Resolution for an interlocal Agreement with Travis County for Project Management, Project Development and Fiscal Obligations for E. Pflugerville Parkway/Jesse Bohls Project on August 29, 2019.
Deadline for City Council Action
Action is requested on January 28, 2025.
Funding Expected: Revenue __ Expenditure _X_ N/A __
Budgeted Item: Yes _X_ No __ N/A __
Amount: _$3,960,000.00_______
1295 Form Required? Yes __ No _X_
Legal Review Required: N/A __ Required _X_ Date Completed: ___1/9/2024____
Supporting documents attached:
Purchase Agreement
Recommended Action
Approve a conditional purchase agreement and associated conveyance documents between Virginia Weiss (Parcel No.5, 5E and 7, 7E) and the City of Pflugerville as necessary to acquire real property interests for the E. Pflugerville Parkway Realignment (Jesse Bohls) E. of Weiss Project, and authorize the City Manager to execute the same.