Approving an ordinance on second reading with the caption reading: An ordinance of the City of Pflugerville, Texas, amending Ordinance No. 1203-15-02-24 of the City of Pflugerville, Texas, as amended, by changing the zoning designation of approximately 416.634 acres out of the W. Caldwell Survey, Section No. 66, Abstract No. 162 and out of the E. Kirkland Survey, Abstract No. 458 of Travis County, Texas, from Agriculture/Development Reserve (A), Urban (Level 4: CL4), and Urban Center (Level 5: CL5) to Planned Unit Development (PUD) district; to be known as the Lakeside Meadows PUD Rezoning (REZ1906-01); providing for repeal of conflicting ordinances; providing for severability; and providing an effective date.
The proposed development consists of 419.52 acres of land located generally south of Lake Pflugerville, south of E. Pflugerville Pkwy, west of Weiss Ln, east of SH 130, and north of Pecan St. The southern portion of the property is currently zoned Urban (CL4) and Urban Center (CL5) district, while the remainder is currently zoned Agriculture/Development Reserve (A). The applicant has proposed to rezone the property from the Urban Level 4 (CL4) district, Urban Center (CL5) district, and Agriculture/Development Reserve (A) to Planned Unit Development (PUD) district in order to establish a master planned, “urban destination” mixed use development containing a variety of residential, employment, and commercial uses within a walkable environment. Three collector level roads will break up the property to provide regional connectivity and establish development areas for the variety of land uses.
The land uses proposed within the PUD have been specifically identified for the development areas and are a modification of the CL4 zoning district land uses. Land uses not listed in the PUD will not be permitted. Proposed modifications include the addition of single family, single family attached, and multi-family in specified areas and with conditions, removal of automobile dominant land uses like drive thru and gas station, and including in a specified area light industrial, research and development, distribution/logistics center, call center, office/warehouse, and office/showroom land uses that normally require a specific use permit in the CL4 district. The proposed residential land uses will have a maximum density of 28 units/acre for all multi-family, a maximum of 10 units/acre in the single family attached RV-1 area, and a maximum single family detached density of 6 units/acre in the RV-2 area and 5 units/acre in the RV-1 area. Development standards included in the PUD have been provided to further clarify, provide certainty, and enhance the development. In general, the provided requirements are intended to establish an enhanced streetscape in the northern portion of the development which creates a semi-urban environment with buildings located closer to the street, wide sidewalks, street trees, enhanced building entrances with pedestrian elements, and opportunities for a vertical mix of land uses.
Open space is planned throughout the property with the majority along the extent of Wilbarger Creek and pedestrian linkages between the creek, employment, neighborhoods, and Lake Pflugerville. A total of 441 single family units and 500 multi-family units proposed with the PUD will require a minimum of 15.33 acres of public parkland to be dedicated. The PUD includes a total of 78.95 acres of dedicated land, of which approximately 55 acres of non-creditable land is located within the 25-year floodplain and 9.36 creditable acres are located between the 25 year and 100 year floodplain. In total 19.33 acres of creditable land is proposed, which exceeds the minimum requirement. The PUD includes further details on how development fees will be applied to amenities within the development. On November 22, 2019, the Parks and Recreation Commission considered the request outlined in the PUD and unanimously approved the proposal with no conditions or adjustments.
The Land Use Plan identifies the area as a mix of uses including low to medium density residential, medium to high density residential, mixed use, employment, and parks and open space. A community center (mix of uses in areas between neighborhoods) and employment center are identified within the area, encouraging the respective developments to be of higher intensity. According to the Comprehensive Plan, medium density includes residential land uses with a range of 6 to 15 units per acre, while high density is identified as areas with densities greater than 15 units per acre.
Mixed use is described as a built environment that facilitates the ability to live, work and play in one area. These areas should contain convenient pedestrian circulation networks and the mix of uses should accommodate active public uses, such as commercial, retail and restaurants, on the street level and residential or office uses on upper floors. Employment is described as consisting of retail, office, corporate campus, light industrial, and warehouse uses. The proposed development standards facilitate a mixed use environment that is consistent with the descriptions in the Comprehensive Plan.
Consistency with Land Use Policy and Action statements in the Comprehensive Plan:
Goal 1: The supply, location, and type of housing will be diverse in order to meet the projected needs of the Pflugerville community in 2030, create a balanced community, and ensure residents have housing options for all phases of their lives.
Action 1.1.6: Encourage medium and high development intensity zoning in target areas near community and regional center and along the SH 130 and SH 45 corridors.
Goal 2: Development (infill and new development) will be focused around a hierarchy of centers that will create a stronger sense of community, providing employment opportunities and shopping districts while reducing infrastructure costs.
Action 2.3.3: Allow for a mixture of residential types in regional centers that accommodate housing options for employment and commercial centers.
Goal 8 identifies that gateways into the community will be enhanced and provide a clear sense of arrival and departure into the community. The proposed streetscape, mixture of land uses, and anticipated building form will assist in creating a unique sense of place and enhanced gateway.
Staff Recommendation
The proposed location for employment land uses in the CI development area will offer efficient access to and from SH 130 for large vehicles and will continue an established land use in the area. The proposed Corporate Campus will offer additional employment opportunities with convenient access from the SH 130 frontage road, Pleasanton Pkwy extension, and connected trails.
Located along Pflugerville Pkwy, directly south of the lake, the opportunity for a vertical mix of land uses with active ground floors and active roof decks is anticipated to become a new destination location for the community and region. The variety of single family and multi-family land uses included in the development will offer additional housing opportunities to the area, and offer product types and designs not currently available in Pflugerville or readily available in the surrounding area.
Located along multiple arterial streets, within close proximity to existing and planned trails, parks, schools, and existing commercial services, the proposed mix of land uses is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. The proposed development standards establish additional certainty on what may be considered within the development for land use, certainty on the building form that is intended to create a pedestrian friendly environment. A balancing of residential to commercial development has been included to ensure a balance is retained and multiple housing structure types will provide flexibility and offer an opportunity for a variety of living opportunities within close proximity of employment opportunities.
The extension of planned collectors is included through the development to ensure regional connectivity is provided, and a variety of trails are planned to create a walkable, connected development. The Parks and Recreation Commission recommended approval of the parkland with no modifications. The location and proposed PUD Development Standards are consistent with the Comprehensive Plan for a mixed use development, and Staff recommends approval.
Planning and Zoning Commission Action
On December 2, 2019 the Planning and Zoning Commission conducted a public hearing and unanimously recommended approval with a vote of 7-0.
Prior City Council Action
The City Council held a public hearing and approved the ordinance on first reading on January 14, 2020 with a vote of 5-1.
Funding Expected: Revenue __ Expenditure __ N/A _X_
Budgeted Item: Yes __ No __ N/A _X_
Amount: ________
1295 Form Required? Yes __ No _X_
Legal Review Required: __ Required X Date Completed: 12/12/2019
Supporting documents attached:
1. General Location Map
2. Staff Report
3. Ordinance
Recommended Actions
Approve the ordinance on second reading rezoning the property from Agriculture/Development Reserve (A), Urban (Level 4: CL4), and Urban Center (Level 5: CL5) to Planned Unit Development (PUD) district.