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File #: ORD-0482    Version: Name: NorthPointe PUD Rezoning
Type: Ordinance Status: Public Hearing
File created: 9/26/2019 In control: Planning and Zoning Commission
On agenda: 10/7/2019 Final action:
Title: To receive public comment and consider an application to rezone approximately 120 acres consisting of an 81.15-acre tract located generally northwest of the SH 130 and E. Pflugerville Pkwy intersection and a 38.14-acre tract located generally northeast of the N. SH 130 North Bound Service Road and Falcon Village Ln intersection, from Urban Level 4 (CL4) district to Planned Unit Development (PUD), to be known as the NorthPointe PUD. (REZ1806-01)
Attachments: 1. General Location Map, 2. NorthPointe PUD Rezoning Staff Report, 3. NorthPointe PUD Development Standards
Related files: ORD-0486


To receive public comment and consider an application to rezone approximately 120 acres consisting of an 81.15-acre tract located generally northwest of the SH 130 and E. Pflugerville Pkwy intersection and a 38.14-acre tract located generally northeast of the N. SH 130 North Bound Service Road and Falcon Village Ln intersection, from Urban Level 4 (CL4) district to Planned Unit Development (PUD), to be known as the NorthPointe PUD. (REZ1806-01)



The proposed development is centrally located within the city, generally south of the SH 45 and SH 130 interchange, and consists of two separate tracts. The west tract is located generally northwest of the SH 130 and E. Pflugerville Pkwy intersection and consists of approximately 81.15 acres. The east tract is located generally northeast of the Falcon Village Ln and SH 130 frontage road intersection and consists of 38.14 acres. The applicant has proposed to rezone the two tracts from the Corridor Urban Level 4 (CL4) district to Planned Unit Development (PUD) district in order to establish a compact, walkable development, with open space provided throughout. While the existing CL4 zoning does currently allow for a variety of land uses, the proposed development standards included in the PUD will establish expectations of land use, density, and a design that could not otherwise be achievable through standard zoning. Each tract is proposed to consist of six “development areas” with standards and permitted land uses specific to each area. The west tract is planned for greater intensity along the edges and reduced density interior to create a unique pedestrian corridor along an existing interior creek. The east tract is planned to have greater intensity along the frontage road and Colorado Sand Drive extension with significantly less intensity proposed near the Falcon Pointe neighborhood.


The land uses proposed within the PUD are a modification of the CL4 zoning district land uses. Land uses not listed in the PUD will not be permitted. As a mixed use development, a maximum density of 4,000 residential units are proposed throughout all of NorthPointe with general flexibility given to the distribution of units dispersed throughout the east and west tracts and the type of units proposed (multi-family, condo, single-family attached). At no point will the east tract be allowed to exceed 1,200 units, while the west tract is limited to 3,500 units. In order to ensure a diversity of land uses are provided, a ratio of three commercial uses to 500 residential units has been established in the PUD. The commercial uses are to be diversified by use and type and not housed by one user, meaning not all of the required commercial uses can be within one structure. The ratio is to continue for the life of the project and does not prohibit more commercial from being established prior to the residential. Accounting will be maintained with the site development process.


Development standards proposed in the PUD are intended to offer flexibility to create an urban type environment where buildings may occupy most of a lot, vary in depth from a property line, offer opportunities for greater height, and contain wide sidewalks with street trees to establish a pedestrian oriented streetscape. Buildings within the east tract will have a minimum height of 25 feet and maximum height of 120 feet. Land adjacent to the Falcon Pointe neighborhood is proposed with less intense land uses in order to provide a transition from the proposed development to the existing single family neighborhood. Areas adjacent to existing single family will be required to maintain a 30-ft vegetative bufferyard. The west tract contains a minimum two story height with opportunities for a maximum height of 150'. The minimum height is intended to ensure a unique product not otherwise achievable with the current zoning is maintained for the life of the project. Four different types of “plug and play” conceptual structures have been included to clarify how the multi-family apartment structures differ from the traditional suburban form achieved through the current UDC requirements and reflect a mix of uses with multi-storied parking structures within the block.


The development will include the extension of Colorado Sand Drive through the east tract and Geraldine Drive through the west tract. Proposed street cross sections included in the PUD will offer opportunities for parallel parking within designated parking lanes, wide sidewalks, street trees, and allowance for public utilities in the right of way. Block lengths are proposed to be reduced to increase connectivity and provide enhanced walkability.


The proposed development has the potential for establishing up to 4,000 residential units, which requires a land dedication of 46.2 acres and a development fee of $1,984,000.00. As an urban project, the amount of land available for dedication is limited and therefore the applicant proposed an alternative method for allocating open space and ensuring civic improvements are provided throught the development. On September 19, 2019, the Parks and Recreation Commission approved to accept the alternative approach with a condition that only half of the floodplain on the property be allowed to be creditable toward the required open space with the remainder provided as fee in lieu. Below reflects the Commission’s approval as reflected in the updated PUD document:

                     15.3 acres of allocated civic open space will be provided throughout the east and west tracts. Land will not be dedicated to the city, and creditable land consists of 13.5 ac out of the floodplain and 1.8 ac in the floodplain (only half of the floodplain is counted toward creditable land and the remainder is included as fee in lieu).

                     7.0 acres to become improved public space within the TxDOT drainage area

                     5.0 acres to be improved civic spaces/enhanced pedestrian experience (sidewalks greater than 6’ in width, enhanced landscaping, vertical gardens)

                     5.0 acres to be improved public/private spaces and courtyards

                     1.0 acre to be counted toward artistic “Super Trees” (14 trees estimated at 3,000 sf per tree)

                     $561,924 fee in lieu (includes half of the fee in lieu from the floodplain land) to be provided as additional cultural and trail enhancements

                     $1,984,000 park development fee to be provided as internal park improvements

                     $600,000 amphitheater/performance stage with open lawn area (in addition to park development fee and fee in lieu improvements).


The Land Use Plan identifies the area with mixed use and employment with medium to high density, destination center, civic center, regional center, and employment centers all within close proximity. According to the plan, high-density residential is typically located within or near community centers with direct access to major transportation routes, retail, and community services. High-density residential neighborhoods should be located on major arterials, provide multiple mobility options, and high quality pedestrian walkways. The location of the proposed development is on major arterial streets and is intended to establish walkable blocks with wide sidewalks throughout. The following reflect consistency with Land Use Policy and Action statements found in the Comprehensive Plan:

Goal 1: The supply, location, and type of housing will be diverse in order to meet the projected needs of the Pflugerville community in 2030, create a balanced community, and ensure residents have housing options for all phases of their lives.


                     Action 1.1.6: Encourage medium and high development intensity zoning in target areas near community and regional center and along the SH 130 and SH 45 corridors.


Goal 2: Development (infill and new development) will be focused around a hierarchy of centers that will create a stronger sense of community, providing employment opportunities and shopping districts while reducing infrastructure costs.


                     Action 2.3.3: Allow for a mixture of residential types in regional centers that accommodate housing options for employment and commercial centers.


Goal 8 identifies that gateways into the community will be enhanced and provide a clear sense of arrival and departure into the community. The proposed streetscape, mixture of land uses, and anticipated building form will assist in creating a unique sense of place and enhanced gateway.


Staff Recommendation

The proposed development is located at the intersection of E. Pflugerville Pkwy and SH 130, a major entrance into the community within close proximity to major destination centers. As written, the development will offer a unique opportunity for multiple housing options, employment, commercial uses, urban plazas, and destination locations. Located along multiple arterial streets, within close proximity to existing and planned trails, parks, schools, and existing commercial services, the proposed high density residential use is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. The proposed development standards modify the existing land uses on the property to reduce autocentric land uses currently within the area, and establish additional certainty on what may be considered within the development. The proposed standards establish minimum stories while offering opportunities for height, and creates a building form that is intended to create a pedestrian friendly environment. A ratio of residential to commercial development has been included to ensure a balance is retained and multiple housing structure types will provide flexibility and offer an opportunity for a variety of living opportunities within an infill area.

The extension of planned collectors is included through the development to ensure regional connectivity is provided, and block lengths are planned to create a walkable, connected development. The Parks and Recreation Commission recommended approval of the parkland with modifications that are reflected in the proposed PUD. The location and proposed PUD Development Standards are consistent with the Comprehensive Plan for a high-density, mixed use development, and Staff recommends approval.


Jeremy Frazzell, Asst. Planning Director