Approving a Final Plat for the Park at Blackhawk IV Section 9; a 27.79-acre tract of land out of the George Grimes Survey Abstract No. 883 in Williamson County, TX and the George Grimes Survey Abstract No. 306 in Travis County, TX (FP1808-01)
The proposed subdivision is located in the City’s Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ), generally southwest of the Rowe Lane and Weiss Lane intersection with portions in Williamson County and Travis County. The Park at Blackhawk development is governed by a comprehensive development agreement between the City of Pflugerville and Tiemann Land and Cattle Development, Inc. more commonly referred to as the Lakeside Development Agreement. Per the agreement and subsequent amendments, development standards were established which allow for a minimum lot area of 6,000 square feet, 5-foot side yard building setbacks, and consent to the creation of multiple Lakeside Water Control and Improvement Districts (WCID) to address public infrastructure. The final plat is located within Lakeside WCID No. 2A.
The final plat is generally located at the northeast end of the Blackhawk development and includes 105 single-family lots, 2 open space lots (Lot 1, Block L; Lot 20, Block S), and access via the extension of 7 public streets. The residential lot dimensions and overall configuration meet minimum standards established per the development agreement and the approved preliminary plan. The Park at Blackhawk Subdivision is located within the Manville Water Supply Corporation (WSC) Certificate of Convenience and Necessity (CCN) for water utility service, whereby Manville provides wholesale water to the district, while the City of Pflugerville provides retail services including operations, maintenance, and management services to the district in accordance with the retail service agreement. Wholesale and retail wastewater service will be provided by the City of Pflugerville. All internal streets will be public, will have sidewalk on ...
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