Approving the purchase of pavilion improvements and repairs at Gilleland Creek Park in the amount of $78,053.30, and authorizing the City Manager to execute the same.
The Parks and Recreation department proposes renovations and enhancements to the Gilleland Creek Park pavilion at a cost of $78,053.30. This project involves addressing rust damage on existing posts and safeguarding them against future weathering by installing limestone columns. Additionally, upgrades will include the installation of new surface mount receptacles and the replacement of picnic tables with both 8’ expanded metal tables and 8’ accessible metal tables.
Funding for this initiative is allocated from the Building and Improvements account of the General Fund. The designated supplier (Playwell) and installer (Playworks) are both BuyBoard vendors under contract # 679-22.
The Gilleland Creek Park Pavilion serves as a vital community resource, particularly during events like the Spring Break and Summer Pfun Camps.
This endeavor aligns with City Council's strategic objectives to foster community engagement through vibrant parks and recreation services. Moreover, it contributes to the fulfillment of the Parks and Recreation Master Plan by addressing deferred maintenance and enhancing the overall park system.
Prior City Council Action
Deadline for City Council Action
Funding Expected: Revenue __ Expenditure _X N/A __
Budgeted Item: Yes X_ No __ N/A __
Amount: _$78,053.30_
1295 Form Required? Yes X_ No __
Legal Review Required: N/A X_ Required __ Date Completed: ___________
Supporting documents attached:
Quote Playwell - Gilleland Creek Park Pavilion
Quote Playworks - Gilleland Creek Park Pavilion
Recommended Action
Motion to approve the purchase of pavilion improvements and repairs at Gilleland Creek Park in the amount of $78,053.30.