Conditionally approving a Final Plat for Hutto 130 Subdivision; an approximate 5.925 acre tract of land out of the N.D Walling Survey, No. 233, Williamson County, Texas (FP2007-02)
The property is generally located at the northeast corner of the intersection of Texas State Highway 130 Service Road CR 685 and CR 138; located within the City of Pflugerville Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ) and therefore not subject to City zoning. The Final Plat proposes to establish on nonresidential lot. The proposed lot is 5.925 acres. There is an existing single-family residential neighborhood to the south and to the west is the proposed Star Ranch NE Multifamily Subdivision. Right of way dedication has been provided to the County for the future expansion of roadway connecting from CR 685 to CR 138. Wastewater service will be provided by the City of Pflugerville through the establishment of a private force main to be located on the property to the west (Star Ranch) and to be maintained by the property owners. Water will be provided by Manville WSC. Parkland dedication is not required for nonresidential properties. Tree mitigation will be required prior to any tree being removed and tree protection measures put in place for any trees that will remain.
Staff Recommendation
The final plat meets the minimum local requirements, Staff recommends conditional approval of the final plat.
Emily Draughon, Planner II