Approving a resolution of the City of Pflugerville, Texas determining costs of the proposed Public Improvements in the Meadowlark Preserve Public Improvement District, approving a proposed assessment roll, calling a public hearing and making related findings and determinations, in accordance with Chapter 372 of the Texas Local Government Code.
The purpose of a Public Improvement District (PID) is to create a funding source for a defined geographic area in support of identified improvements. The Meadowlark Preserve PID pertains to approximately 97.882 acres of land. The property will be developed as a single-family residential development. The PID would include the design, acquisition, construction, and improvement of public improvement projects authorized by state law that are necessary for the development of the Property, which public improvements will generally include:
(i) the establishment of parks and open space, together with the design, construction and maintenance of any ancillary structures, features or amenities such as trails, pavilions, community facilities, parking structures, sidewalks, irrigation, walkways, lighting, benches, trash receptacles and any similar items located therein;
(ii) landscaping;
(iii) acquisition, construction, and improvement of water, wastewater and drainage facilities;
(iv) acquisition, construction and improvement of streets, roadways, rights-of-way and related facilities;
(v) entry monumentation and features;
(vi) signage;
(vii) projects similar to those listed above
The estimated cost of the improvements to be included within the PID is $19.5 million. The Developer is requesting that the City issue PID bonds to finance the improvements and reimburse the developer. In order to accomplish this, the City will levy a special assessment on each parcel within the PID in a manner that results in imposing equal shares of the costs on property that is similarly benefited. Assessments may be pai...
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