Approving a professional services agreement with Halff Associates, Inc. in the amount of $233,890 for professional engineering services associated with the Historic Colored Addition Subdivision Streets: Russell Street, Caldwells Lane, Taylor Street and Lincoln Avenue project and authorizing the City Manager to execute same.
On April 9, 2019, Council adopted the infrastructure and Land Use Study of the Historic Colored Addition Subdivision prepared by Halff Associates, Inc. The study included recommendations for infrastructure improvements. This agreement includes design services to provide a full set of Plans, Specifications, and Estimate (PS&E) for constructing new and upgrading existing streets, utilities and drainage in the subdivision as recommended. Design includes field surveying, subsurface utility engineering, preliminary design, geotechnical studies, and hydrologic/hydraulic analysis, with PS&E.
The design for the public infrastructure was included in the FY20 budget in order to develop a shelf ready PS&E for construction as soon as funds become available. This project has been recommended by the 2020 Capital Improvement Bond Committee for inclusion in a transportation project proposition for a May 2, 2020 Special Bond Election.
The Historic Colored Addition Subdivision was platted in 1910 and is located north of Pecan St., generally east of Swenson Farms Blvd. The subdivision was established in a grid pattern with a total of five public streets, 55 lots with alley access, and a one-acre school lease area. Findings of the study indicate that public infrastructure was installed over time, and is not sufficient for the current or planned land uses, nor does it meet engineering standards for health and safety and recommendations were made to bring the subdivision up to current standards.
Prior City Council Action
City Council approved Resolution Number 1693-19-04-09-0600 regarding the Infrastructure and Land Use Study associated with th...
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