Discuss and consider action to authorize the President to approve and grant a 15 ft wide water easement along the East property line of PCDC’s 17.7 acre tract.
Impact Way Extension Phase IV will extend the road and utilities within the proposed right of way which will include a proposed 16” waterline across PCDC’s 17.7 acre
tract to its Southern property line. DCS had performed water modeling based on City wide water system operational assumptions which demonstrated the need for a second 16”
waterline to be run along the SH-130 right of way so that it forms a loop within the approximate 148 acres located south of the existing SH-130 Commerce Center. DCS received
confirmation from the City’s water modeler on 10/28/24 that DCS’s assumption were validated by their independent water modeling. The City’s water modeling shows that the
above described 16” waterline loop is required to meet the future water demands including fire flow demands.
In the future, the 16” waterline will be extended by the other two property owners further south, across the 44 acre tract owned by PlaceMKR and the 86 acre tract owned by
EastGroup to Cameron Rd, to provide service to their developments. As part of the Construction Plan submittal process, the City provided a comment requiring
the 15 ft waterline easement that runs along the East Property line of the 17.7 acre tract, to be recorded via a separate instrument. Due to the City’s recent confirmation of the 16”
waterline loop, DCS is now prepared to bring this waterline easement to the Board for approval so that it can be recorded as a separate instrument. This instrument includes an
exhibit showing the easement which will accommodate the 16” waterline looping within PCDC’s 17.7 acre tract which is attached.
Prior PCDC Board action:
Legal Review Required: N/A ___Required _x_ Date Completed: 1/15/2025
Supporting documents attached:
15 ft Water Easement Agreement.pdf
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