Discussion regarding the Pflugerville Pforward Mobility Master Plan.
This discussion item is intended to provide an update to the City Council and provide an opportunity to offer feedback on the progress to date.
The Pflugerville Pforward Mobility Master Plan is a combined update of the Transportation Master Plan that was approved in 2019 and later updated in 2020, and the Trails Master Plan which was created in 2014 and partially updated with the Parks Master Plan in 2023. By combining the two plan updates together, the Pflugerville Pforward Mobility Master Plan is intended to identify options for options with a holistic approach to how residents and visitors alike travel through the community. The long range plan will build upon the prior master plans and offer updates to complement the Aspire 2040 Comprehensive Plan and assist in directing further policy, future Capital Improvement Plans, and provide opportunities for improved mobility as the City continues to grow.
Earlier this year, Kimley-Horn was selected as the City's consultant to help lead the Pflugerville Pforward Mobility Master Plan, and an Advisory Committee was established by City Council to represent the community and provide review and feedback through the process. To date, the Advisory Committee has met five times reviewing past efforts, existing conditions, created an overall vision with associated goals, and recently provided recommendations for updates to the roadway and trails plans as well as roadway cross sections.
To obtain community feedback an online community survey was created and open from August to November with questions directed at community preferences and an opportunity for providing feedback directly on an on-line map. Additional in-person engagements occurred at several community events including Slice of Pflugerville, Public Safety Day, Rock the Block, Library LibCon, and Deutschen Pfest.
The Planning and Zoning Commission received a similar update in D...
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