Discuss and consider action to approve a professional services agreement with CP&Y Inc., in the amount of $479,944.00 to provide owner representative services associated with the Wilbarger Wastewater Treatment Plant Project and authorizing the City Manager to enter into negotiations as needed regarding future scope of work and fee proposals.
The City of Pflugerville’s Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) identified the need for the Wilbarger Creek Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant in the Wilbarger Creek Watershed to serve development in the service area east of SH130. The Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) will be located on a 159-acre tract of land owned by the City of Pflugerville on Gregg Lane between FM973 and Fuchs Grove Road. The city has a Texas Pollution Discharge Elimination System (TPDES) discharge permit for the WWTP based on an Interim Phase I average daily flow (ADF) of 2.0 million gallons per day (MGD), and Interim Phase II ADF of 4.0 MGD, and a Final Permit Phase ADF of 15.75 MGD. The most current wastewater master plan states that the WWTP will be designed and constructed in phases as follows: Phase I: 8.0 MGD ADF, Phase II: 16 MGD ADF, and Final Phase: 24 MGD ADF.
Given the significance of the Wastewater demand and need for a new plant facility, an Owner’s Representative is being brought on board to assist the City with the successful delivery of the project. The City is in the process of finalizing the Wastewater Master Plan that identified the need to increase the
The City desires to retain CP&Y, Inc. as Engineering Consultant to provide Owner’s Representative Services to serve as the Owner’s liaison between the Design Consultants, Construction Contractor, regulatory agencies, Texas Water Development Board (TWDB), and other stakeholders for the project. The tasks defined in the Scope of Services is intended to provide a reasonable level of detail for the tasks that are known at this early stage, and provide some level of flexibilit...
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