Approving a construction contract with Patin Construction LLC in the amount of $5,214,112 for services associated with the 2020 General Obligation Bond Neighborhood Street Reconstruction Package 1B, and authorizing the City Manager to execute the same.
This agenda item requests approval of a construction contract with Patin Construction in the amount of $5,214,112 for the Neighborhood Street Reconstruction Package No. 1B (Project). This item supports the Infrastructure pillar of the Strategic Plan by maintaining a robust and resilient roadway infrastructure that exceeds expectations.
On January 26, 2022 the City of Pflugerville approved and executed the Professional Services Agreement with Halff and Associates, Inc. (Halff) for the engineering design of the Project which includes Willow Wood Ln, Rocky Creek Dr, Valley View Dr, Meadow Creek Dr, Elm Dr, Twin Creek Dr, Redwood Ln, Timber Bend Dr, Cottonwood Ln, Pecan Creek Dr, Pine Creek Dr, Cedar Ln, Maplewood Dr, Maplewood Cir, Hackberry Dr, Holly Ct, Jasmine Ct, Sage Ct in the Saxony and Willow Creek Section One subdivisions.
In the first phase of the project, Halff and its geotechnical sub-consultant conducted soil and pavement testing. A combination of full reconstruction, mill, and overlay was suggested for these roadways with full support of City staff and the General Engineering Consultant.
This project was bid pursuant to Section 2269.151 of the Texas Government Code using the competitive sealed proposal delivery method, based on predefined criteria as a best value to the City.
The project was advertised on October 25, 2023. On November 2, 2023, at 2 PM the City had received three (3) proposals and the results were read aloud for the record. A selection committee reviewed and scored the proposals based on the published criteria. All three (3) firms were interviewed and scored. Patin Construction was identified as the most qualified firm to the City. Staff concurs with the design engineer’s ...
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