Approving the selection of K-Friese and Associates, Inc. of Austin, Texas for engineering design services in conjunction with the Colorado Sand Drive Street, Drainage, and Utility Improvement project and authorizing the City Manager to enter into negotiation for professional engineering services and execute same.
In conjunction with Reinvestment Zone No. 1 (Falcon Pointe TIRZ), the City of Pflugerville posted a Request for Statement of Qualifications (RFQ) to receive Statement of Qualifications (SOQ's) from qualified consulting engineering firms for professional engineering services associated with preliminary engineering, final design, permitting, bidding, and construction administration of the Colorado Sand Street, Drainage, and Utility Improvement project.
Submission deadline for SOQ's was on Friday, March 2, 2012. A committee consisting of City of Pflugerville staff has evaluated and rated the SOQ's relative to the evaluation criteria developed for this project and provide a recommendation of the firm with the highest rated SOQ for City Council approval for consultant selection (refer to the attached Ranking and Recommendation score sheet).
Design and bidding is anticipated to be complete in December, and construction to commence in January 2013. Construction of this project will be coordinated with Kelly Lane.
Prior City Council Action
Deadline for City Council Action
Staff is requesting approval on April 10, 2012 to maintain project schedule.
Projected Future City Council Action
Fiscal Impact
The project funding is derived from previously issued certificates of obligation.
Staff Recommendation
Staff recommends approval of the selection of K-Friese and Associates, Inc. of Austin, Texas for engineering design services and authorizing the City Manager to enter into negotiations for design services.
Trey Fletcher, AICP
Assistant City Manager