Approving an ordinance on second reading with the caption: An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 1203-15-02-24 of the City of Pflugerville Code of Ordinances Title XV Land Usage, amending Chapter 157, Subchapter 4, Zoning Districts and Use Regulations, by amending Section 4.5.1 Downtown District Overlay to include Downtown sub-districts, and specific development regulations; amending Subchapter 9, Architectural, Site Design and Layout Provisions by adding Section 9.9 Downtown Architectural Design Standards; amending Subchapter 20, Definitions; and repealing Chapter 155 Site Development, Subchapter B Central Business District, in its entirety; replacing all ordinances in conflict; containing severability and repealer clauses; providing for a penalty for a violation of Chapter 157 as a class C misdemeanor and a fine in an amount not to exceed $2,000.00; and declaring an effective date.
Per the Downtown Action Plan (2019-2021), Downtown code amendments are recommended as a short-term action item. The proposed code amendments maintain the current regulatory framework with improved residential compatibility standards and provide for more clarity within the regulations for ease of use and enforceability. The amendments do not rezone any property but provide for regulations for future development and redevelopment of properties within the Downtown Overlay boundary. Currently, the development standards for the Downtown District Overlay are located in Chapter 155, Subchapter B of the Code of Ordinances. The proposed code amendments provide for the relocation of the Downtown development standards (e.g., building height, setbacks, architectural standards) to the Unified Development Code, where all other City zoning and development regulations are located, for ease of use and the elimination of unnecessary redundancy and conflicting provisions. In the Downtown, land uses are governed by city-wide base zoning districts as well as the regulatory Downtown District ...
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