Approving a professional services agreement with Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc in the amount of $399,700 for professional services associated with preparing an update to the Transportation Master Plan, to be known as a mobility master plan, and authorizing the City Manager to execute the same.
The proposed professional services agreement will establish Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc as the city's consultant to provide an update to the Transportation Master Plan to address the city's growing transportation needs and integrate the city's transportation plan and trails plan into a single comprehensive document to be known as a Mobility Master Plan. The consultant will integrate or update recommendations from past plans, including the 2019 Transportation Master Plan, Aspire 2040 Comprehensive Plan, 2023 Parks, Recreation and Open Space Master Plan (Trails Components), and 2014 Trails Master Plan and Parks Development Plan (Trails Master Plan Only). The consultant will also make recommendations for policy updates to city codes related to mobility and will develop a prioritized short-term capital plan for mobility improvements beyond 2020 Transportation Bond Projects. The consultant will lead an engagement process to include citizens, stakeholders, and staff and will deliver a plan document that summarizes the planning process, recommendations, and action plan for implementation. The proposed update was included as a capital improvement plan project identified for 2024.
Kimley-Horn and Associates prepared the current master transportation plan that was approved in November 2019 and later updated in November 2020. The consultant will be able to utilize data from the existing plan and update as needed to address the growing mobility needs of the community. This professional engineering and planning services is exempt from competitive procurement as stated in Section 252.022 of the Texas Local Government Code and this item is supported by the Infrastr...
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