Approving a conditional purchase agreement and associated conveyance documents between Wayne R. Moore (Parcel No. 5) and the City of Pflugerville as necessary to acquire real property interests for the Kelly Lane Phase 3 Project, and authorizing the City Manager to execute the same.
The proposed agenda item requests approval of a conditional purchase agreement and associated conveyance documents between Wayne R. Moore (Parcel No. 5) and the City of Pflugerville as necessary to acquire real property interests for the Kelly Lane Phase 3 Project and authorizing the City Manager to execute the same. This item supports the infrastructure pillar of the City’s Strategic Plan.
The Kelly Lane Phase 3 Roadway Project will focus on Kelly Lane from Moorlynch Avenue to Weiss Lane/Hodde Lane, and address realignment of the intersection of Kelly Lane/Cele Road and Weiss Lane/Hodde Lane. Construction of the roadway requires the property acquisition of twenty-five Right of Way easements, twenty-eight permanent easements and six temporary construction easements within twenty-nine parcels of land effecting twenty-one property owners.
This conditional purchase agreement with Wayne R. Moore conveys the necessary Right of Way and permanent utility easements for Parcel No. 5. The cost of $217,655.90 was agreed upon, subject to City Council approval, based on appraisals obtained by the City.
Staff continues bi-weekly coordination meetings with the property acquisition agent, in addition to hosting monthly Utility coordination meetings with the engineering design consultant for the Kelly Lane Phase 3 Project.
Approval of this item will authorize the City Manager to execute the property acquisition, permanent easement and associated conveyance documents necessary for formal conveyance of the real property interests.
Prior City Council Action
City Council approved a professional services agreement with Vickrey and Associates, LLC in the amount of $1,527,103.59 for d...
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