Discussion regarding the Gilleland Creek Pool Facilities Project.
This item has been included on the agenda to allow for a presentation and discussion about the Gilleland Creek Pool Bathhouse Improvements Project.
Prior City Council Action
July 26, 2016 - City Council approved a professional services agreement with MWM DesignGroup in the amount of $207,862.00 for professional design services associated with design, construction documents and construction phase services for the Pflugerville Parks Architecture Project (Bohls House, Gilleland Pool Buildings, Pfluger Restroom and Rec Center Renovations).
January 2018 - Atlantis Pool Plastering, Inc. was awarded the construction contract for the Gilleland Pool Renovation Project for $774,894.00
March 12, 2019 - City Council approved a professional services agreement with Waeltz & Prete, Inc. in the amount of $65,879.50 for professional engineering services associated with the Gilleland Creek Pool Bathhouse Improvement and the purchase and installation of two pre-fabricated buildings.
August 27, 2019 - Request City Council to authorize City Manager to Purchase restroom/bath house and guardhouse buildings from Public Restroom Company in the amount of $601,723.00.
November 26, 2019 - City Council approved a resolution reducing the scope of the Lake Pflugerville Phase 1 Project and directing staff to pursue alternate prioritized parks projects.
During the worksession, Council discussed amending the scope of Lake Pflugerville Phase 1 and redirecting the remaining bond funds to address current park facility needs. The following action as a result of approval included:
1) Amending the scope of Lake Pflugerville Phase 1 to only include the improvements to the beach side of the lake. The parking lot expansion on the beach side will be shifted south of existing parking lot and the restroom facility will be collocated with the current restroom facility or the current facility will be expanded. The western trailhead along Becker Farm Road (Biehle Property) removed from the scope of Lake Pflugerville Phase 1 to fund current park facility needs.
2) Amending the scope with Halff Associates, Inc. for professional engineering services associated with design and construction of Lake Pflugerville Phase 1 Project.
3) Utilize approximately $4.1M of remaining 2014 GO Bond funds and 2016 CO Bond funds to complete the following prioritized parks projects as shown in Exhibit C:
a. Lake Pflugerville Phase 1 as amended above.
b. Gilleland Creek Pool facilities (guard house, restrooms, fencing, entrance, ADA compliance, etc.).
c. Green Red Barn improvements to address structural issues.
d. 1849 Maintenance Barn.
December 2019 - City Council Resolution for reallocation of funds associated with the reduction of funds from the Lake Pflugerville Park Phase 1 Project.
September 22, 2020 - Request City Council to approve the purchase of two Prefab buildings - The resulting discussion led to ‘no action’ being taken by the City Council due to a concern of cost and end value of the project while possibly not fulfilling the needs of the staff and the patrons. Staff was requested to revisit the project and present an alternative to the method of completing the project.
April 13, 2021 - City Council denied a professional services agreement with MWM DesignGroup, Inc for the final design of the restroom/bathhouse and guardhouse facility in the amount of $92,500.
June 8, 2021 - City Council directed staff to move forward with Option D: Gilleland Creek Pool Facilities project.
June 22, 2021 - City Council approved a professional services agreement with MWM DesignGroup, Inc for the final design of the restroom/bathhouse and guardhouse facility in the amount of $92,500.
Supporting documents attached:
Draft Presentation
Recommended Action
Presentation only.