Approving a professional services agreement with Triun, LLC in the amount of $421,250.00 for civil work associated with the Community Development Block Grant infrastructure projects to add streetlights to the Skyview Manor and Windermere subdivisions, and authorizing the City Manager to execute the same.
The proposed professional services agreement with Triun, LLC will enable the city to have a contractor complete the required civil work needed to prepare for the installation of 12 new streetlights throughout the Skyview Manor subdivision and 26 new streetlights within the Windermere subdivision. As a reminder, the Skyview Manor subdivision does not currently have streetlights, while Windermere has some lights within the subdivision and the proposed project will provide infill streetlights where needed. The identification and allocation of funding for the streetlight projects were identified in the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) 2022 Annual Action Plan and the CDBG-CV reallocated funds that were approved with the fourth amendment to the 2020 Action Plan. If the professional services agreement is approved, the contractor is anticipated to begin the civil work in March with a four to five week duration of work in both subdivisions. Once the civil work is completed, the CDBG portion of the project will have been completed and Oncor will then be able to install the required wire and streetlights. There is no cost to the city for the work that Oncor will do once the civil work has been completed.
Triun, LLC is a general contracting firm out of San Antonio and will comply with all federal reporting requirements required for the CDBG portion of the project. Triun, LLC was selected from The Interlocal Purchasing System (TIPS) cooperative and is considered a Historically Underutilized Business (HUB).
Prior City Council Action
City Council approved the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) 2022 Annual Action Plan which identified and allocated funding toward the streetlight projects. City Council also approved a fourth amendment to the 2020 Action Plan that reallocated funds to the streetlight project on May 9, 2023.
Deadline for City Council Action
It is recommended to approve the professional services agreement on February 27, 2024.
Funding Expected: Revenue __ Expenditure X __
Budgeted Item: Yes X No __
Amount: $421,250.00___
1295 Form Required? Yes __ No __
Legal Review Required: N/A __ Required __ Date Completed: __February 20, 2024____
Supporting documents attached:
Pflugerville Streetlight Proposal
Recommended Action
Approving a professional services agreement with Triun, LLC in the amount of $421,250.00 for civil work associated with the Community Development Block Grant infrastructure projects to add streetlights to the Skyview Manor and Windermere subdivisions, and authorizing the City Manager to execute the same.