| 1 | 3A | | Agenda Item | Approve the Planning and Zoning Commission Minutes for August 3, 2020 regular meeting. | | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 3B | Lisso Tract Preliminary Plan | Agenda Item | Approving a Preliminary Plan for Lisso Tract; a 169.164-acre tract of land out of the Alexander Walters Survey No. 67, in Pflugerville, Texas. (PP1912-02) | | |
Action details
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| 1 | 3C | Lisso Phase 1 Final Plat | Agenda Item | Approving a Final Plat for Lisso Tract Phase 1, a 52.511-acre tract of land out of the Alexander Walters Survey NO. 67, Pflugerville, Texas. (FP2001-01) | | |
Action details
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| 1 | 3D | Vine Creek Ph 2 Final Plat | Agenda Item | Approving a Final Plat for Vine Creek Phase 2 Subdivision; an approximate a 25.097 acre tract of land situated in the Juan Zambrano Survey No. 38, Abstract No. 844, and being a part of the remnant portion of the called 147.16 acre tract of land conveyed to Midtex Partners, Ltd., recorded in document No. 2002240814 of Travis County, Texas (FP2007-01) | | |
Action details
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| 2 | 3E | Lifestyle Communities Ph 1 Final Plat | Agenda Item | Approving a Final Plat for Lifestyle Communities Pflugerville Phase 1, a 27.977-acre tract of land out of the Tomas G. Stuart Survey, Abstract NO. 689, Pflugerville, Texas. (FP1908-03) | | |
Action details
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| 1 | 3F | Star Ranch NE Final Plat | Agenda Item | Conditionally approving a Final Plat for Star Ranch NE Subdivision; an approximate 21.011-acre tract of land out of the N.D. Walling Survey, Abstract No. 675 and N.D. Walling Survey, Abstract No. 2722; Williamson County, Texas (FP2004-03) | | |
Action details
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| 1 | 3G | Hutto 130 Final Plat | Agenda Item | Conditionally approving a Final Plat for Hutto 130 Subdivision; an approximate 5.925 acre tract of land out of the N.D Walling Survey, No. 233, Williamson County, Texas (FP2007-02) | | |
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| 1 | 3H | The Commons at Heatherwilde Preliminary Plan | Agenda Item | Statutorily denying a Preliminary Plan for The Commons at Heatherwilde, consisting of approximately 45.76-acres of land out of the John Van Winkle Stuart Survey, Abstract No. 786 and the Alexander Walters Survey No. 67, Abstract 791 in Travis County, Pflugerville, Texas. (PP2008-03) | | |
Action details
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| 1 | 3I | Wash N' Roll Preliminary Plan | Agenda Item | Statutorily denying a Preliminary Plan for Wash N Roll, a Replat of Lot 1, Block A, Wuthrich Hill Farms, Section One; a 4.809-acre tract of land out of the Alexander Walters Survey No. 67, Abstract No. 791; in Pflugerville, Texas. (PP2008-02) | | |
Action details
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| 1 | 3J | Lisso Tract Ph 2 Final Plat | Agenda Item | Approving a Final Plat for Lisso Tract Phase 2, a 38.138-acre tract of land out of the Alexander Walters Survey NO. 67, Pflugerville, Texas. (FP2008-01) | | |
Action details
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| 1 | 3K | Villarreal Development Project | Agenda Item | Statutorily denying a Preliminary Plan for Villarreal Development Project; an 8.31-acre tract of land out of the George M. Martin Survey No. 9, Abstract No. 529, Travis County, Texas. (PP2008-01) | | |
Action details
Not available
| 2 | 3L | Lifestyle Communities Amenity Final Plat | Agenda Item | Approving a Final Plat for Lifestyle Communities Pflugerville Amenity Center, a 3.723-acre tract of land out of the Tomas G. Stuart Survey, Abstract NO. 689, Pflugerville, Texas. (FP2004-01) | | |
Action details
Not available
| 2 | 3M | Village at Wells Branch Final Plat | Agenda Item | Approving a Final Plat for Village at Wells Branch; a 28.849-acre tract of land out of the Alexander Walters Survey, Section 67, Abstract No. 791; in Pflugerville, Texas. (FP2006-02) | | |
Action details
Not available
| 3 | 3N | Village at Wells Branch Preliminary Plan | Agenda Item | Approving a Preliminary Plan for Village at Wells Branch; a 35.16-acre tract of land out of the Alexander Walters Survey, Section 67, Abstract No. 791; in Pflugerville, Texas. (PP2005-02) | | |
Action details
Not available
| 3 | 3O | Wuthrich Hill Farms Final Plat | Agenda Item | Approving a Final Plat for Wuthrich Hill Farms Section Two-A, a 33.596-acre tract of land out of the Alexander Walters Survey No. 67, Abstract No. 791 in Pflugerville, Texas. (FP2006-03) | | |
Action details
Not available
| 3 | 3P | Wuthrich Preliminary Plan | Agenda Item | Approving a Preliminary Plan for Wuthrich Hill Farms Section Two, a 48.575-acre tract of land out of the Alexander Walters Survey No. 67, Abstract No. 791 in Pflugerville, Texas. (PP2004-01) | | |
Action details
Not available
| 3 | 3Q | Lakeside Meadows Preliminary Plan | Agenda Item | Approving a Preliminary Plan for Lakeside Meadows; an approximate 320-acre tract of land out of the W. Caldwell Survey, Section No. 66, Abstract No. 162 and the E. Kirkland Survey, Abstract No. 458; in Pflugerville, Texas. (PP2002-01) | | |
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Not available
| 1 | 4A | Downtown Code Amendments | Ordinance | Approving an ordinance on second reading with the caption: An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 1203-15-02-24 of the City of Pflugerville Code of Ordinances Title XV Land Usage, amending Chapter 157, Subchapter 4, Zoning Districts and Use Regulations, by amending Section 4.5.1 Downtown District Overlay to include Downtown sub-districts, and specific development regulations; amending Subchapter 9, Architectural, Site Design and Layout Provisions by adding Section 9.9 Downtown Architectural Design Standards; amending Subchapter 20, Definitions; and repealing Chapter 155 Site Development, Subchapter B Central Business District, in its entirety; replacing all ordinances in conflict; containing severability and repealer clauses; providing for a penalty for a violation of Chapter 157 as a class C misdemeanor and a fine in an amount not to exceed $2,000.00; and declaring an effective date. | Recommended for Adoption | Pass |
Action details
Not available