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Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 1/23/2024 7:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: 1611 Pfennig Lane
Regular Meeting
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
2024-0091 14A. Agenda ItemApproving the minutes of the January 9, 2024 Regular Meeting.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
2024-0025 14B. Agenda ItemApproving the purchase of five 325D Grass Hopper Mowers in the amount of $75,792.50 and authorizing the City Manager to execute the same.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
2024-0028 14C. Agenda ItemApproving the purchase of a regenerative air street sweeper from Tymco in the amount of $353,216.10, and authorizing the City Manager to execute the same.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
2024-0029 14D. Agenda ItemApproving the purchase of a brush incinerator from Air Burners INC in the amount of $198,100, and authorizing the City Manager to execute the same.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
2024-0071 14E. Agenda ItemApproving a construction contract with Patin Construction LLC in the amount of $5,214,112 for services associated with the 2020 General Obligation Bond Neighborhood Street Reconstruction Package 1B, and authorizing the City Manager to execute the same.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
2024-0115 14H. Agenda ItemApproving Tracy Waldron, Finance Director, and Lauren Henkes, Assistant Finance Director as additional authorized signers for the Lone Star Investment Pool, and authorizing the City Manager to execute the same.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
RES-1183 14I. ResolutionApproving a resolution ordering and declaring the November 2023 Charter Amendments, as approved by the voters of the City of Pflugerville, adopted.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
RES-1184 14J. ResolutionApproving a resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute a mural easement agreement between the City and Two Brews Holdings LLC, the property owner of 100 W. Pecan Street, Pflugerville, Texas, allowing for the installation of a public art mural on the existing building.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
2024-0092 15A. Agenda ItemDiscuss and consider action to make appointments to the Pflugerville Community Development Corporation (PCDC) Corporation Board.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
2023-1094 25B. Agenda ItemDiscuss and consider action regarding engaging construction law firm for as needed construction legal services.Direction to StaffPass Action details Not available
2024-0018 15C. Agenda ItemDiscussion regarding Explore Pflugerville tourism program.   Action details Not available
2024-0116 15D. Agenda Item1.) Executive Session Item: Deliberation regarding real property pursuant to Chapter 551.072 of the Texas Government Code regarding the purchase, exchange, lease, and/or value of real property related to real estate proposal for Downtown East. 2.) Open Session Item: Discuss and consider action regarding real estate proposal for Downtown East.   Action details Not available
2024-0109 14F. Agenda ItemDiscuss and consider action regarding approving a construction contract with SKE Construction in the amount of $2,145,818 for the Pflugerville Estates Water Line Rehabilitation Project, and authorizing the City Manager to execute the same.Direction to StaffPass Action details Not available
2024-0111 14G. Agenda ItemDiscuss and consider action approving a PCDC Professionals Service Contract with TIP Strategies in the amount of $75,000, and authorizing expenditures not to exceed $50,000 matched by an additional $25,000 Texas Workforce grant for a Pflugerville Workforce Study, and authorizing the PCDC Executive Director to execute same.Direction to StaffPass Action details Not available