Approving the purchase of a regenerative air street sweeper from Tymco in the amount of $353,216.10, and authorizing the City Manager to execute the same.
The Public Works Streets Department has acknowledged a demand and a necessity to acquire a street sweeper to effectively uphold street safety, operations, maintenance and aesthetic appeal of Pflugerville roadways. The funding for procuring this equipment was proposed for approval within the FY24 budget and subsequently approved.
Prior City Council Action
Funding approved for FY24 budget.
Deadline for City Council Action
Funding Expected: Revenue __ Expenditure _X_ N/A __
Budgeted Item: Yes _X_ No __ N/A __
Amount: ____353,216.10____
1295 Form Required? Yes X__ No __
Legal Review Required: N/A __X Required __ Date Completed: ___________
Supporting documents attached:
Purchasing Rider
Recommended Action
Approve the purchase of a regenerative air street sweeper from Tymco in the amount of $353,216.10, and authorize the City Manager to execute the same.