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File #: ORD-0506    Version: Name: UDC, Subchapter 4 Home Occupations and Outdoor Display and Storage
Type: Ordinance Status: Approved
File created: 1/28/2020 In control: Planning Dept
On agenda: 3/24/2020 Final action:
Title: Approving an ordinance on second reading with the caption reading: An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 1203-15-02-24 of the City of Pflugerville Code of Ordinances Title XV Land Usage, Chapter 157 Unified Development Code by amending Subchapter 4, Zoning Districts and Use Regulations, Section 4.6.5 relating to screening for outdoor display and storage; replacing all ordinances in conflict; containing severability and repealer clauses; providing for a penalty for a violation of Chapter 157, Subchapter 4 as a class C misdemeanor and a fine in an amount not to exceed $2,000.00; and declaring an effective date.
Attachments: 1. Ordinance, 2. Exhibit A - Outdoor Display and Storage, 3. Presentation Draft - Home Occupations and Outdoor Display Ordinance Amendments
Approving an ordinance on second reading with the caption reading: An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 1203-15-02-24 of the City of Pflugerville Code of Ordinances Title XV Land Usage, Chapter 157 Unified Development Code by amending Subchapter 4, Zoning Districts and Use Regulations, Section 4.6.5 relating to screening for outdoor display and storage; replacing all ordinances in conflict; containing severability and repealer clauses; providing for a penalty for a violation of Chapter 157, Subchapter 4 as a class C misdemeanor and a fine in an amount not to exceed $2,000.00; and declaring an effective date.
Per the 2030 Comprehensive Plan's implementation schedule, the City shall pursue Unified Development Code (UDC) revisions every one to five years. The UDC was most recently revised and adopted in February 2015. The purpose of the proposed code amendments to Subchapter 4 is to address outdoor display and storage standards, as outlined below.

Section 4.6.5 Outdoor Display and Storage summary of amendments:

Modifies the number of moving vehicles allowed to be displayed along the public right-of-way from eight (8) vehicles to four (4) vehicles.
Adds a provision related to the display and screening of bulk landscape nursery products.
Adds a maximum of 100 S.F. of outdoor storage in the Office (O), Retail (R), General Business-1 (GB-1), General Business-2 (GB-2), and the Campus (CI) zoning districts, with some exceptions related mini-storage facilities and fleet vehicle storage.
Adds a provision related to the screening of outdoor storage of vehicles at mini-storage facilities.

City Attorney has approved the ordinance as to form.
Prior City Council Action

Deadline for City Council Action
Action on second reading is requested on March 10, 2020.

Prior City Council Action
City Council conducted a public hearing and approved an amended ordinance on first reading providing changes regarding outdoor display and storage on February 25, 2020.


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