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File #: ORD-0532    Version: Name: Enclave at Cele Rezoning
Type: Ordinance Status: Approved
File created: 6/23/2020 In control: City Council
On agenda: 8/11/2020 Final action:
Title: To receive public comment and consider an application to rezone an approximate 41.31-acre tract of land out of the Austin A Survey 19, Abstract NO 38 and the Zambrano J Survey 38, Abstract 844 from Agriculture/Development Reserve (A) to Single Family Residential (SF-R); to be known as Enclave at Cele Rezoning. (REZ2006-01)
Attachments: 1. Enclave at Cele Rezoning Staff Report, 2. Enclave at Cele Rezoning Location Map, 3. Enclave at Cele Rezoning Ordinance
To receive public comment and consider an application to rezone an approximate 41.31-acre tract of land out of the Austin A Survey 19, Abstract NO 38 and the Zambrano J Survey 38, Abstract 844 from Agriculture/Development Reserve (A) to Single Family Residential (SF-R); to be known as Enclave at Cele Rezoning. (REZ2006-01)

The subject property is an approximate 41.31-acre tract of land located south of Cele Road to the east of the Verona Subdivision, generally northeast of Lake Pflugerville at the boundary of the City limits and extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ). The applicant has requested to rezone the property from Agriculture/Development Reserve (A) to Single Family Residential (SF-R) for developing a single-family residential subdivision. The City annexed the subject property in December 2006 (ORD 853-06-12-12) as part of a larger annexation of the parcels to the north and south including portions of the Cele Road Right of Way. The Agriculture/Development Reserve (A) District was applied as the holding district with the annexation of the subject property. The properties immediately adjacent to the subject property are zoned: SF-R to the north and west, and A to the south. The adjacent eastern properties are in the ETJ and City zoning codes do not apply.

The SF-R zoning district has a condition for developing single-family detached homes that requires a varying size of lots where a minimum of 10% of lots must be a minimum lot area of 9,000 square feet and at no time shall a lot area be less than 7,500 square feet. This allows development to provide a variety of housing opportunities without creating a Planned Unit Development (PUD), development agreement, or applying multiple zoning districts.

The Future Land Use Plan from the 2030 Comprehensive Plan identifies the majority of the area encompassing the subject parcel with agriculture (the placeholder designation), parks and open space, and adjacent to low to medium density residential zon...

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